Kurt Angle has said that he doesn't think he and WWE's Triple H have any problems with each other. Speaking with the Mirror.co.uk, Angle opened up about last year's contract negotiations with the WWE Talent executive. "There was a point when my manager talked to them and I believe they did say 'he would have to wrestle full-time'. That is not an option for me, not at this point in my career," Angle revealed, "So, whether that was part of it, honestly I just don't think they had that much interest in signing Kurt Angle at that point." As a result, Kurt ended up signing for another year with TNA Impact Wrestling, something which he claims he is happy about. He claims that he never got a full answer from WWE as to why they didn't re-sign him, but he dismissed the rumour that it was due to heat with Triple H. "I don't think so, I don't think that Triple H and I have any problems with each other, I've always liked him. He's always treated me with respect and I've always treated him the same. No, I don't think it was that." The rumours of Angle and Triple H's heat goes all the way back to the early 2000's. There was a professional rivalry between the two, which ultimately saw Kurt pull away as the obvious best wrestler in the business. At one point, you had Kurt as WWE Champion on Smackdown, and Hunter as World Champion on Raw. On one occasion, in a promo, Triple H called Angle a "paper champion", which sounded a little like real bitterness. However, the reason WWE didn't sign Kurt last year, was undoubtedly down to health concerns. Still, it is a little odd that they made it easy for the likes of Sting and Samoa Joe to get a WWE deal. Surely something could have been worked out for Angle.