Lucha Underground's Ultima Lucha (July 29): Results And Reactions

All the insanity from part one of "Ultima Lucha".

By Joshua Gagnon /

Last night (July 29, 2015) Lucha Underground kicked off the first of two episodes of Ultima Lucha. This was just a taste of what was to come next week in their special 2-hour season finale. To catch up on all the matches check out my Ultima Lucha preview article.  This week we were treated to three matches that were all entertaining in their own special way. First off, it was The Mack taking on "The Man They Call" Cage in a "Falls Count Anywhere" match. To get an idea of how crazy this match went, they never actually entered the ring to wrestle.


Next up was the Trios championship match that pitted the Disciples of Death (with Catrina) against Son of Havoc, Ivelisse, and Angelico. A chaotic bout that included a spot that quite possibly topped Angelico's previous leaps.

In the main event, it was Drago vs. Hernandez in a "Believer's Backlash" match where the fans received belts to decide when they would punish either luchador. Did Drago feel the lash of any belts or was it Hernandez who received the brunt of their attacks?

Aside from the matches, we learned just a little bit more of the relationship between Cueto, Black Lotus, Matanza, and El Dragon Azteca. Want to know who won, and my reactions to each match? Then read on, and experience for yourself, Ultima Lucha!

5. Mack Vs. Cage - Falls Count Anywhere

Results: Before Mack can even get to the ring Cage attacks him at the top of the stairs. The two battle in the crowd for a bit, before chairs, fire extinguishers, and stop signs are used initially as weapons. The Mack finds a 2x4 and a cooler filled with beer to use on Cage. Mack cracks open some beers, slams them down and hits a stunner -- a la Stone Cold -- on Cage, with the crowd exploding in cheers. Tables come out, Mack performs a spinebuster on Cage from the apron through the table to the floor. Then another onto a trashcan. Both work their way up to fight high above the crowd, over Cueto's office. Cage puts Mack's head on a cinder block and pulls off a nasty curb stomp for the 1-2-3!


Reaction: This match was fast and furious from the start. Weapons of every kind were used and both men did a great job keeping the crowd hot. I don't believe they ever actually got in the ring, which makes total sense for this type of match. The cinder block ending was nasty looking, and was a reminder to everyone how brutal Cage can be. My favorite match of the night and a great way to start off Ultima Lucha.
