New WWE Women's Tag Champs Crown After SHOCKING Betrayal

A surprise turn takes place at WWE MITB.

By Scott Carlson /

In trying to predict the outcome of the WWE Women's Tag Team Championship match, many people figured we would see a superstar turn on their tag partner, but not the one we were thinking.


Liv Morgan and Raquel Rodriguez captured the Tag Titles they never lost by defeating Shayna Baszler and Ronda Rousey at Money in the Bank, after Baszler turned on Rousey and walked out on her. The shocking attack left Ronda dead to rights, with the challengers hitting her with a Tejana Bomb and Oblivion to put her away.


Rousey and Baszler are long-time friends, dating back to their MMA days. The two of them teaming up was reported as something both women wanted to do, which led many to believe we were in for a lengthy Tag Title reign, especially since the duo had just unified the NXT and WWE Women's Tag Titles.

But it wasn't to be. Instead, Rodriguez and Morgan, who were forced to relinquish their titles a couple months ago when Liv was injured, won the championships for a second time.


It remains to be seen what the reasoning was for Baszler turning on Rousey. A feud between the two could work, but this just feels like it was forced to put Ronda back into the singles division, not because of some grand plan. Time will tell.
