Predicting WWE's 10 Champions At The End Of 2018

Who will hold the gold come December 31?

By John Bills /

Predicting the future in WWE is an absolute fool’s game. Who could have foreseen the many ridiculous happenings of 2017? Nobody said that Jinder Mahal was going to become WWE Champion, and the same number of people guessed that Jason Jordan would be revealed as Kurt Angle’s long-lost son.


It may be a fool’s game, but I’ve never claimed to be anything less than a fool. Second guessing the future is one of the most fun aspects of being a pro wrestling fan, and in no area is this more active than championships. Who will hold the myriad of belts up for grabs in WWE through 2018? Will Jinder get another run with the most prestigious title in all of sports entertainment? No.

10 months and a smattering of days stand between now and the end of the year. Who will be holding the belts in WWE by the time 2018 turns into 2019? Predicting is a fool’s game, but it is oh so much fun at the very same time.
