Real Reason Rush Re-Signed With AEW

Why Rush turned other offers down to stick with AEW.

By Andy H Murray /


AEW founder and CEO Tony Khan showing care for Rush's newborn child and wife was behind the Mexican brawler's decision to re-sign with the promotion.


This is according to Rush's La Faccion Ingobernable stablemate Jose the Assistant, who tweeted as much on Tuesday. Jose confirmed that although Rush had other offers on the table, he hadn't considered leaving AEW, with Khan and his company's level of care as the deciding factor.


Per Jose:-

RUSH re-signed with #AEW because of how much concern Tony showed for Rush's wife and newborn. Family is important to Rush, seeing how much Tony cared is what solidified the deal. There were other offers, but NEVER any consideration to go, AEW cares, Tony cares about his people

Jose's tweet came around 24 hours after Rush had confirmed his decision to sign an AEW contract extension. Last week, Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer reported that Rush's original one-year deal had already expired or was set to do so, creating speculation on the LFI member's future.


WWE is understood to have shown interest in signing Rush, though it is believed that AEW extended a more appealing offer.