Rusev Leading WWE Merchandise Sales

Happy Rusev Day.

By David Cambridge /

Rusev is currently out-selling everyone else in the WWE locker room in terms of merchandise, according to Wrestling News.


As of now, The Bulgarian Brute's "Happy Rusev Day" T-shirt is purportedly the most coveted item on

It sits ahead of AJ Styles' "The One Who Gets it Done" and The Usos' "Down Since Day One Ish" shirts, which are second and third respectively.


Inside the ring, Rusev has endured a difficult 2017, the highlight of which being a low-key feud with Randy Orton over the summer.

But the 33-year-old's success outside of it has been attributed partly to his continued promotion of his merchandise on Twitter.


It is suggested that WWE may now be close to pulling the trigger on a formal face turn in light of this new-found popularity.

The two-time United States Champion has been a heel since debuting on the main roster in 2014, having been packaged with an America-hating villain gimmick of the kind that was prevalent in the 1980s.


However, his ability to attract heat has been noticeably diminished since he returned from injury in the spring.