Should AEW Sign Shane McMahon?

Arguing the case for and against AEW inking a deal with ex-WWE menace Shane McMahon.

By Jamie Kennedy /

It's 2024 and wrestling's fever-dream approach over the past few years shows no signs of slowing down. For proof, just glance at all this 'Shane McMahon to AEW' chatter. Could the ex-WWE man, who once watched his own father monopolise the industry, actually ink a deal with Tony Khan sooner rather than later?!


That sounds ridiculous, but never say never. Both Jim Ross and co-host Conrad Thompson discussed the possibility on 'Grilling JR', and Conrad even revealed that an anonymous friend texted him to say Shane had "reached out" to several AEW wrestlers "to at least hypothetically discuss the idea".



To social media, that means it's practically a done deal, but should Tony Khan even consider it? Time to argue the yay and nay of Shane-O Mac becoming #AllElite. Would Shane be a much-needed shot in the arm for the alternative, or would he hammer home to haters just how far Khan has strayed from his original vision?
