Should AEW Sign Shane McMahon?

Shane McMahon

First, the plus side to AEW signing Shane.

It'd put some new eyeballs on shows like Dynamite and Collision immediately. Of course, signing McMahon probably wouldn't have a major impact on All Elite business overall, but it could pop a quick TV rating. That's something Khan sorely needs heading into the second half of 2024.

Ratings...haven't been stellar for AEW programming recently, and that might steer Tony towards a quick fix. Bizarrely, Shane f'n McMahon could be just that - people would be intrigued to see an actual McMahon on Dynamite, and there'd be some stir over whether or not Shane might reference his dad's ongoing scandal.

Realistically, he wouldn't, but the beauty is in the tease of such shoot-style comments. Far-fetched? Yes, but hardly impossible that McMahon would take a leaf out of his own book during the WCW invasion days by burying WWE for real this time.

Then, there'd be all the hype surrounding his first match. Simply seeing a bout like Shane McMahon vs. MJF on the marquee sounds like something from the latest WWE 2K video game, and it's that bizarro world approach that'd get folks talking.

Khan would be able to create conversation on socials by shoving a contract under Shane's nose, which is something he'll be well aware of. Whipping up controversy on X is also something Tony is hardly adverse to.



Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.