Straight Outta Dudleyville – The Legacy Of The Dudley Boyz DVD Review: 20 Interesting Observations

The greatest tag team of all time? Bubba doesn't think so...

By Ross Tweddell /

If you're expecting a trip behind the curtain with a number of Superstars' dirty laundry aired in public through the medium of shoot interviews, this isn't the DVD for you. 


This is a celebration of arguably the greatest run in the history of tag team wrestling. 

Littered with comments from both Bubba and D-Von - as well as a number of famous faces that played a significant role in their now 20 year run - there isn't a lot of negativity during the of this documentary. Then again, how could there be when your subject area are 23-time world tag team champions as well as the only team to have held the WWE, WWF/World, ECW, WCW, NWA, TNA, and IWGP Tag Team Championships. 

Even though long term fans won't learn too many new nuggets of information about Bubba and D-Von's respective careers, there are are a couple of great stories about their interactions with the higher ups in WWE, and the truth about how Bubba broke into the business, that will be sure to quench your thirst for anecdotes. 

It's a film that will keep you attention from start to finish, even if certain areas are frustratingly brief. Although, there isn't a lot that can be done about then when you're tasked with covering 20 fine years of wrestling history in 90 minutes.

Here are 20 interesting observations from Straight Outta Dudleyville – The Legacy Of The Dudley Boyz... 

20. The Early Years

Bubba and D-Von had contrasting childhoods. While Bubba grew up in stable, middle class surroundings, D-Von was moved from Brooklyn to Long Island when he was a child by his Grandmother due to the outbreak of crack cocaine in the area. She wanted to ensure he didn't become another statistic. 


The move suited him though as he fell in love with his new high school, Elwood District. Between 6th and 10th grade, he had 100% attendance and was one of the more popular kids in school. 

D-Von tells of how his signature testify taunt comes from his step father, who was the preacher. Going to church was mandatory in his family, not an option. 

Bubba is described as being everything you would come to expect as a child. He was a clown, a showman, and his former football coach described how he was suited for one one of two jobs - a car salesman or pro wrestler. 

While everybody knows that Tommy Dreamer and Mick Foley were in attendance when Jimmy Snuka jumped off the top of the cage at MSG, Bubba reveals that he was on the front row (pictured) for the infamous moment. 

Both fell in love with the business from a young age and were destined to make it to the very top... 
