The Last Days Of Heel John Cena

WWE actually gives the people what they want, and what they want cheer John Cena?!

By Michael Hamflett /

Never has the title of one of these articles felt so definitive.


There are no caveats. No "Last Days...other from that nostalgia run they booked" or "excluding that two months where he went heel for the programme against..." that often come with a retrospective on just about every wrestler's career.

Not in the present day, where he makes his occasional cameos with a smile and a knowing wink about how daft he looks in his own merch. Not in five years when he's gone full Rock and might, if you're lucky, cut a promo on a WrestleMania every half-decade. Not even in 55 years when he'll somehow still be going and there's a new-and-improved Wayback Machine for you to enjoy your favourite timeless content from early-2020s Peacock. John Cena, multifarious mould-breaker that he is, is never turning heel.


It's one of the few definitive things we can say about Vince McMahon at this point too. He simply won't do it. As the years passed, it became more pointless to even pitch it or fantasy book it. McMahon just never seemed to tire of the SuperCena story, and he reimagined his entire empire off the back of it. He was - as with everything ever in WWE - right there at the beginning too.

