What 10 WWE Comebacks Would Look Like

Are Rey Mysterio or RVD coming back? Who knows, but here's what their returns would look like.

By Jack Robert /

WWE is all about returns nowadays. In the last year and a half, we’ve seen the glorious (and not so glorious) comebacks of former stars Goldberg, The Hardy Boyz, Kurt Angle, Mickie James, Tajiri, Drew McIntyre, Jinder Mahal, Curt Hawkins, and as of Money in the Bank the other night, Maria Kanellis.


Obviously, this has been a mixed bag of success, but with WWE always hungry to cash in on nostalgia, they’re snatching up anyone they can who used to be associated with them.

Many names have been tossed around as potential to return to the company, and the speculation runs wild in the fandom about how they would be portrayed and what their pushes would look like. This list takes a look at ten wrestlers who could return to the company, and project how WWE would utilize them. What would their story be? Who would they feud with? Would they win any titles? Some of these returns are likely, some of them are less so, and some are outright preposterous, but in the world of wrestling, one thing is for sure: you never say never.

10. Paige

It may seem like cheating, since Paige is still technically signed to the company, but with injuries and personal drama keeping her off TV, it’s felt forever since she's been on the roster. With a film about her family being made, she still has a role in the company for now, so the question becomes how she'll be portrayed upon return (which evidently, she’s preparing for).


Since she was originally drafted to RAW, and the fact they would want to give her movie plenty of exposure, it makes sense to keep her on the red brand. As far as her character goes, it would be a safe bet that while her initial crowd reaction would be very positive (absence makes the heart grow fonder), WWE would likely turn her heel. The one storyline they have any sort of long-term investment in is the ongoing metanarrative about the “women’s revolution.” Gratingly, the stories on both shows are all about the women’s divisions as wholes, and how they’re all making history with the most historical moments in all of history. History!

Anyway, Paige, being one of the original stars that signified WWE’s shift from the Diva era, perfectly represents someone from their past. So much has happened for the women in the time since she was a relevant part of WWE programming. She’s prime to take the role of a bitter veteran who feels abandoned by the fans. It would resemble Mickie James when she initially returned to SmackDown, but Paige is better at conveying venom.

In any case, with the impending film, expect a prominent role for Paige in some capacity.
