Which Controversial Figure "100% Ruined" TNA For AJ Styles?

AJ Styles vents on Impact's behind-the-scenes villains during Twitch stream.

By Andy H Murray /

Impact Wrestling

AJ Styles has once again used his new Twitch channel to vent on some of wrestling's more controversial figures, following on from last week's claims that he "couldn't stand to look at Paul Heyman" while the ex-ECW man was serving as WWE RAW's Executive Director.


This time, 'The Phenomenal One' used his platform to discuss the past, stating his "100%" belief that Dixie Carter ruined Impact Wrestling.

"There was a time when [TNA] was really gaining ground," Styles said. "The problem was Dixie wanted to be WWE lite, and that's not what people wanted. They wanted to see something else. All she had to do was let us do what we do, it was really that simple."


AJ added that if Carter had stepped away from creative and left it to the writers, Impact would currently be a lot bigger than what it is at the moment. He alleges that her inability to recognise what was good for business hurt the former TNA.

Styles also spoke on Vince Russo, saying he "loves the guy" personally, but they butted heads several times when it came to creative matters. AJ believes that this is because Russo was getting instructions from Carter.
