WWE: 10 Divas From The 90s That We Loved

By John Canton /

The term "divas" wasn't always prevalent in World Wrestling Entertainment. They started using it at some point in the 1990s when they realized they could trademark it, which is the same reason they refer to their male wrestlers as Superstars. It's a smart business move that's better than simply calling them Male and Female performers because they can't trademark that. In the 1990s, WWE didn't employ as many divas as they do now. They also didn't find them from model searches or Hawaiian Tropic bikini contests either. Usually they were women that worked elsewhere that found their way to WWE because of their history as a manager, perhaps because of who they were married to or in some cases they wrestled too. There were a few instances in the 1990s when WWE tried to have a Women's wrestling division. The Women's Title was brought back in December 1993 when Alundra Blayze (aka Madusa) won it, but two years later it was deactivated again. It returned in late 1998 and in 1999 it became a bit of a joke championship. Once the 2000s hit, WWE invested more time in the division, brought in more women and it helped raise the value of the title along the way. Most of the women on this list are considered managers or valets. The business has evolved since then although there are definitely some women in WWE right now who should just be valets instead of competing as wrestlers because they don't fit the role of a wrestler. This list is about the women that made an impact on wrestling fans. The big names are the ones we remember the most, but all of them are women that we'll never forget.