WWE: 10 Most Frustrating Things About Being A WWE Fan In The UK

As our American readers enjoy the spoils of the WWE Network, spare a thought for us unfortunate Brits.

By Gareth Cairns /

You probably don't need me to explain that being a WWE fan is often a frustrating experience. Whether it comes from a bad decision WWE creative make, the outcome of a match, or never quite understanding why they refuse to push your favourite wrestler, there's plenty of times watching wrestling is an infuriating way to spend your time. However, for a British fan of the WWE, there's a few extra things that can be frustrating that fans from elsewhere might not also have to endure. Some of these frustrations are, admittedly, self-inflicted; stemming from a desire to keep as up to date and as dedicated as fans from WWE's home in North America. Whether it's the late nights, extra expenses, or the way in which British wrestlers and British fans are treated and portrayed, there's plenty of minor irritations that can fluster even the stiffest of upper lips or leave us with feelings of besmirchment. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of great things about being a WWE fan, and a British WWE fan in particular, but here's just a few frustrations that if removed, would make the experience even greater.

10. Staying Up Late To Watch PPVs Live

Watching WWE's monthly PPVs is one of the better experiences of being a WWE viewer, as each event is often the culmination of recent storylines, the beginnings of new ones, or just the place where the best matches take place. As such, British fans don't want to miss out, despite the fact that living in UK means that PPVs don't start until 1a.m. on a Sunday night (or Monday morning depending how you look at it), and don't finish until 4a.m. This means the monthly ritual of watching a PPV is a test of dedication, stamina and endurance. If a PPV is exciting or somewhat significant, then the challenge of staying up is a breeze, but when the matches are average or there's a screwy finish, it makes it all the more frustrating when you're at work the next morning having had just 3 hours sleep.