9. Paying For PPVs That Used To Be Free

One of the benefits of staying up late for PPVs used to be that here in the UK we'd receive them for free, including each of the 'Big Four', and yes, even Wrestlemania was free of charge too. Sadly, this hasn't lasted, and it's now been decided that us Brits should have to pay like everybody else. Back in the early 1990s, each PPV was free to watch because it wasn't broadcast live and usually only arrived a few days later and was shown 'as live' on tape delay. As more channels were launched, WWE began to broadcast live, meaning the British audience could watch at the same time as everybody else, but it still remained free. However, over the last few years we've slowly had to start paying to watch PPVs that we got for nothing previously. Originally it was only the Royal Rumble, Wrestlemania, Summerslam & Survivor Series that we paid for, but now there's a charge for pretty much all the PPVs - even the ones we're not sure we really want to watch. Somehow it seems more frustrating to pay for something that used to be free, rather than having paid for it all along.