WWE: 10 Great Things Missing From WrestleMania 30

By Andrew Soucek /

WrestleMania is just a couple of weeks away, and it feels like it should still be months down the road. The excitement just isn't there. Before the March 24th episode of Raw, only five matches were announced for the biggest wrestling event of the year. With only two weeks left, how was that even possible? Has Vince McMahon been too busy launching the WWE Network and negotiating TV rights fees to give Mania his attention this year? Or does the company just think we'll buy the show no matter what gets booked? WrestleMania used to be planned the day after the previous one ended. Now it feels like WWE creative is slapping half the card together at the last minute. WrestleMania is easily the peak event in the entire wrestling business, with a legacy unmatched by any other pay-per-view. Fans can recall their favorite Mania moments, debate the greatest matches and pick the greatest cards. But all of those years of fantastic hype and incredible memories make this year's build completely disappointing. We just expected so much more. So why exactly doesn't WrestleMania XXX feel that special this year? That's what we're here to figure out, and find ten great traits from prior Manias that won't be happening this year.