WWE: 10 Most Irrelevant Big Name Wrestlers Right Now

By Scott Carlson /

WWE is humming along with WrestleMania less than a week away. Major storylines involving the World Heavyweight Championship, The Streak, The Shield and The Authority are steaming along toward their inevitable conclusion on April 6. But not everyone is swept up in the current. Some Superstars resemble rudderless ships riding listlessly on the waves. This happens every year at WrestleMania time. There are a limited number of slots on the card, not nearly enough to accommodate the dozens of wrestlers on the roster. What is surprising are some of the names who are directionless heading into WrestleMania XXX. It's even more eye-opening if you look at their positions on PPV cards since the last WrestleMania. For purposes of this list, how irrelevant you are is a combination of overall name recognition, your place on PPV cards the past year and your lack of role at WrestleMania XXX. Also, wrestlers who are simply competing in the battle royal will not qualify as having direction and a purpose. Really, if you're in a battle royal, that's basically the definition of being directionless. Since WrestleMania pretty much is the Super Bowl of WWE, the "wrestling year" will run from WrestleMania XXIX to present.

10. CM Punk

WrestleMania XXIX match: Lost to the Undertaker Past year PPV highlights: Lost to Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam; Battled Paul Heyman Guys at three straight PPVs; Beat the Shield in a 3-on-1 handicap match at TLC It's tough to call one of the biggest stars in the company, someone whose name is chanted weekly despite not having appeared on TV for more than two months, irrelevant. But CM Punk is simply not relevant heading into WrestleMania. He's not on the card, and he could very well have wrestled his last match for WWE. It's a tremendous loss for fans and the WWE itself, considering that he would have been in one of the marquee matches (possibly against HHH) and has been one of the few draws for many fans. The one thing about a list like this, as Punk's presence demonstrates, "irrelevance" can be a very temporary term. He could walk down the ramp on Monday or even at WrestleMania itself and suddenly be right at the center of everything. But as of right now, he's in a no-man's land, which is why he sits on this list.