WWE: 10 Lasting Legacies Of The Undertaker (Other Than The Streak)

By John Canton /

The Undertaker's WrestleMania streak is over, so what most wrestling fans are doing are debating on whether or not it was the right move. Most seem to think it was the wrong move simply because it was one of the most protected things in the wrestling business. Titles come and go, talents turn heel/face all the time and no match ever really seems special, but when it came to The Streak it was always something we could celebrate as a wrestling fanbase that absolutely loved The Undertaker. The Streak has been so synonymous with The Undertaker for the past five years especially because along the way, Undertaker became a part time performer. However, if you think back to his 1990 debut and the fact that he was a full timer through 2009, it was a near 20 year run as one of the most active guys in WWE history. It's not like Steve Austin, Shawn Michaels, The Rock or even Bret Hart had full time runs that ran that long. Even Triple H didn't perform full time for that many years. He came close, but he didn't make it that long. What Undertaker should represent to wrestling fans is a guy that did it all. It wasn't always about titles with him even though he was a 7 time WWE/World Heavyweight Champion. It was about telling stories that nobody else could because he was almost like a comic book character that had come to life. Vince McMahon knew that with a character like Undertaker he could do things that he couldn't do with other performers. No matter the storyline, whether he was a heel or face, Undertaker could make it work. If there was a negative about The Streak it's that it took away from some of The Undertaker's other accomplishments in WWE. With that in mind, here's a look at his lasting legacies in WWE. These are things we should appreciate about him because it's fair to say that there will never be anybody else like The Undertaker.