WWE: 10 Questions You Most Want Answered (March 29)

By John Canton /

We are just one week away from WrestleMania 30. It feels like it's been months since the last WWE PPV, but it's been about six weeks. The big reason why it feels longer is because there's so much anticipation for WrestleMania that we tend to get too excited for it. Part of it is our own fault as fans, but it's also a credit to WWE for making such a big deal out of it. Personally, I'm very excited to get to New Orleans towards the end of next week and soak in the experience. It will be my third WrestleMania in four years in a city that I've always wanted to been to. Hopefully it's a memorable experience that I will be share with all of you. Like usual, there were a number of great questions and the order they are placed doesn't really matter. One of the ones that I particularly enjoyed was #5 because it asked about the match order for WrestleMania. It's something that fans always like to predict, so be sure to check out mine and share your predictions as well. For the Q&A, there are two ways for you to participate. You can send a tweet for it @WhatCultureWWE when we ask for the questions or contact me on my Twitter account @johnreport for questions. I usually do this column every Friday now, so if you follow those accounts we€™ll usually ask for the questions on Thursday or Friday in order to select the best ones for this weekly feature. The other way is simply by commenting on this column with a question and if it€™s good enough I€™ll be happy to include it in next week€™s Q&A feature.