WWE: 10 Random Wrestling Images That Demand An Explanation

Sometimes it can be hard explaining the goings on in wrestling.

By Mike Shannon /

In the modern era where everyone who owns a cell phone also has a camera, more and more celebrities are being captured in somewhat compromising positions by fans and friends alike. There are no "private moments" anymore as a photo can be taken and shared around the world via Twitter in a matter of seconds. Professional wrestling is no different. Not only are wrestlers notorious pranksters, they are surrounded by thousands of fans each and every night who will take thousands of pictures and share them with their friends. Every so often, an image comes around of a wrestler that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. In an effort to be your one-stop shop for everything, WhatCulture.com and myself have decided to grab 10 of the most random wrestling images circling the internet right now and attempt to offer an explanation as to what exactly is going on.

10. CM Punk In His Undies

What is it: So let's start with a topic that most wrestling fans are extremely comfortable talking about: Male nudity! OK, so CM Punk isn't exactly naked here but he's certainly sporting clothes (and I use that term loosely) that male him look like he's smuggling grapes. Most disturbingly, the guy over Punk's left shoulder in the black hat seems very pleased with what he sees, eyes gazing down. Honestly though, wrestling is not a sport where male nudity should make you uncomfortable. You might not want to talk about it but, every week, you're cheering from one half-naked, oiled man to get on top of another half-naked, oiled man for three seconds. Possible Explanation: CM Punk, in an effort to get himself fired, places Vince McMahon's workout shorts on and parades around the ring. Unfortunately for Punk, Vince McMahon actually finds the stunt hilarious and books Punk to main event Wrestlemania with a new gimmick: CM Punk, Chippendale's Champion. Punk walks out on the company that day but not before dating 6 other Divas before he leaves.