WWE: 10 Reasons Why "The PG Era" Isn't The Problem

There are far more pressing issues holding WWE back from achieving the greatness of the 90s again, and in fact in many cases were actually CAUSED by the Attitude Era.

By Scott Keith /

I get a lot of e-mail, some of it reminding me yet again that I mixed up Harley Race and Ric Flair, but some of it actually quite valid. And one of the threads that runs through most of it these days is a kind of general anger and frustration towards the product being put out by WWE in the past few months. People feel like they're not being heard, especially by company that's all "WE PUT SMILES ON PEOPLE'S FACES!" 24 hours a day like WWE is. One of the favorite targets of nerd rage on the internet among people who make YouTube videos to express themselves is the dreaded PG Era, because it represents the opposite of the Attitude Era. More specifically, it represents something very different from the last time that wresting was cool and popular, which makes it an easy thing to pick on. I mean, wasn't wrestling awesome when guys could swear and bleed and hit each other in the face with chairs and beat up women and stuff? Sure, but I submit to you that in fact there are far more pressing matters that are holding back THIS BUSINESS (as HHH likes to say) from achieving the greatness of the 90s again, and in fact in many cases were actually CAUSED by the Attitude Era.