WWE: 10 Triple H Feuds That Totally Sucked

When The Game just really wasn't worth playing.

By John Canton /

The career of Hunter Hearst Helmsley (better known as Triple H) in WWE has spanned nearly 20 years. He started in 1995 as a midcard heel, became a main event player in 1999 and was one of the most consistently pushed stars of the 2000s. In 2011 he became the on screen Chief Operating Officer of WWE. He also stopped wrestling as often due to his real life duties as an Executive Vice President that hires new talent and is a key part of the storylines you see on WWE TV. In a lot of ways he is the second in command with only Vince McMahon having more decision making power than him. Hunter's also a guy that is loved by a lot of wrestling fans, but he's heavily criticized by many fans as well. That's what happens when you've been married to the boss' daughter Stephanie for the past 11 years. While people within WWE might say that Hunter would be in his position even if he wasn't married to Stephanie, there's no way of really knowing if that is true. They are a true power couple both behind the scenes and on screen as The Authority. When thinking about Hunter's career, there have been a lot of great feuds that he was a part of. He had classic battles with so many big names in wrestling history like Shawn Michaels, Steve Austin, The Rock, Mick Foley, The Undertaker, Ric Flair and many others. However, he's also had some truly awful feuds that make us wonder why they even took place. It's time to look back at some of the worst feuds in Hunter's career. Sometimes they're the fault of the opponent, other times a lot of the blame should go to Hunter, but most of the time it's the creative team that is at fault because they're the ones that should know better than to book such terrible angles. Here's a look at ten Triple H feuds that really sucked.