WWE: 10 Worst Gimmicks Of All Time

By Wayne Madden /

Gimmicks have long been a staple of the WWE - they help to sell stories, get wrestlers over, establish heels and make or break the longevity of a character. Good gimmicks are usually those which are centred around the wrestlers' personality and ability to hold both storyline and audience. Arguably the greatest gimmick in the history of WWE is The Undertaker, who has been around almost consistently since 1991, becoming more than just a simple gimmick and representing far more than "The Dead Man" Of course, other simpler gimmicks (like Doink The Clown) have been enjoyed because of their simplicity. Doink has never been achieved or hailed as a WWE Legend (except maybe in his own head) and used simply to remind WWE fans of the past and forge a link with a forgotten era. However, the WWE (like any other corporate body) is never short of bad ideas, it's bad gimmicks being some of the more infamous reminders that not everyday is a Wrestlemania 3 moment. This list counts down those considered to be the worst Gimmicks, simply because they presented either good technical wrestlers in wasteful situations, or because they destroyed legacy and tradition in favour of cheap pops and PPV ratings.