WWE: 11 Reasons Brock Lesnar Breaking The Streak Is Justified

Maybe it's a good thing, right? ...Right?

By Robert Kojder /

The Undertaker entered WrestleMania 30 with his unprecedented 21-0 undefeated streak intact, yet shockingly exited a beaten man. More controversial than the defeat itself though is the man that represents that 1 in 21 and 1; Brock Lesnar. The mere thought of someone putting an end to Taker's 21 year reign of dominance is already an unthinkable thought; the very notion of it happening is something the WWE Universe nonchalantly laughs off every year regardless of how relentlessly they impose the possibility. If it were to end it seemingly would have gone to a legend or full-time talent with something to gain. Instead, the accolade of streak breaker has gone to a part time superstar and former UFC Champion indifferent towards professional wrestling. Brock is definitely an entertaining athlete, but nowadays he's mostly involved for the money. All of this most certainly paints Brock as a choice from left field, but it doesn't take away from the fact that he is justified in snapping the greatest achievement in sports entertainment.

11. Taker's Performances Were Getting Dreadful To Watch

There was once a time when Undertaker could sprint around the ring with a great deal of stamina, perform suicide dives over the top rope to the outside floor, and had a veritable Pandora's Box of moves and finishers that he could bust out at any time for a win. Even during last year's match with CM Punk, Taker was able to work at an entertaining pace and hit all his spots with precision. This year Taker struggled to deliver both a Last Ride and Tombstone Piledriver, with the end result being the worst execution of those finishers he has given across his entire 20+ year career. His one and only Tombstone Piledriver to Brock Lesnar was so badly delivered, and it was clear Lesnar's head came nowhere near the mat. Beyond executing moves and finishers the match itself was awkwardly paced and slow, giving off the vibe that Taker shouldn't have even been physically cleared to compete. It's true that Taker suffered a severe concussion at some point in the match - seemingly early on with a botched belly to belly suplex that saw the Deadman land fiercely on his head, but it's not entirely Brock Lesnar's fault. Properly executing wrestling moves takes a great deal of effort and precision from both sides of the coin. The German suplexes by Brock towards the end of the match were horribly delivered because they require Taker to assist him by helping hoist himself up; something Taker was obviously incapable of doing, leaving Brock Lesnar essentially dead lifting the near 300-pounder. In short, the execution of this match was horrible and the single greatest piece of evidence that Taker simply cannot carry one-on-one matches anymore.