WWE: 15 Things That Would Greatly Improve WrestleMania

By Grahame Herbert /

How many WrestleMania events have actually been the WWE show of the year? On several occasions, the event just doesn't live up to the hype. We get at least one big main event and usually a classic match, but the show itself is in parts demonstrative of everything that's wrong with pro wrestling. Rushed matches, undeserving stars, terrible segments and for the fans in attendance a terrible view for what is for them a five hour sitting. WWE could improve their WrestleMania concept in several ways. It's high time they did. The event has seen little innovation over the last decade, remaining firm in its nature since the Attitude Era. Sure, its a successful formula, but the event must evolve if it is to go beyond the standard it has set. Right now it succeeds at times in spite of itself, it draws based upon the WrestleMania name and historical connotations as much as it does the actual card of the day. This feature will offer up 15 ideas to strengthen and better WrestleManias in general. The WWE's superbowl of wrestling concept can get even bigger following these proposals. Who knows, we may even see some of these ideas at WrestleMania 30. The build up for the New Orleans show has been mixed to poor, it certainly could have been improved. Will it be a success on the night? If WWE match their product to consumer expectations then yes, hopefully at Mania 30 we remember it as an all time great show. Here are some pointers WWE should take for WrestleMania productions in general ...