WWE: 5 Ways To Make Roman Reigns Split From The Shield Work

By Tom Clark /

Roman Reigns is on the cusp of super stardom in WWE. The Shield's strongman has been biding his time as the trio continues to dominate in Vince McMahon's company but most fans believe his moment of independence is coming soon. And when that moment comes, the Samoan Superstar is sure to capitalize on it. Roman has everything it takes to succeed in WWE. He has a great look, incredible intensity and the ability to entertain on a very high level in the ring. The man that began his WWE career as the third wheel behind Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns is now in the driver's seat. And it's only a matter of time until he takes the wheel. But the question is what happens when he does? What happens when Roman Reigns is given the opportunity to shine on the main event scene? How will WWE handle him, what will he do and how will he look? More importantly, how will the company break him out of The Shield? The key is to make the split huge, meaningful, to convince fans not only that the move is important but that they should care about Roman when the dust clears and The Shield is no more. And here are five great ways for that to happen.