WWE: 7 Booking Steps To Make Roman Reigns WWE Champion At WrestleMania 31

By John Canton /

It's no secret that WWE is interested in making Roman Reigns the next biggest babyface star in the company. While they won't admit that they're looking for a replacement for a guy like John Cena, they are always searching for that guy that can become a main event player. Recently, WWE released an internal list that had five names on it that were said to be the names of the five men they want to feature the most in the coming year. Those names were Cena, Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton, Sheamus and Roman Reigns. That shows that by the end of this year, WWE wants him to be in that position where he's considered a top guy or at the very least somebody that's right near that level. From a booking perspective, it may be the most important thing WWE does in the next year. After all, if they take the wrong steps along the way it could really hurt the career of Reigns. Remember Ryback in 2012? He was on that main event path. He headlined shows with CM Punk. Then he lost by screwjobs and attacks and here we are over a year later the guy is stuck in a tag team going nowhere. Reigns has more potential than Ryback ever did, but WWE should remember what worked with Ryback and what didn't. For WWE to get Reigns where he needs to be, they need to follow these seven steps and then fill in the gaps over the course of the next 12 months.