WWE: 7 Ways To Fix Raw Right Now

By John Canton /

This week's edition of Raw had the lowest rating of the year with viewership going down significantly in the third hour. While it's not time to panic, it is something that WWE has to be thinking about. There's plenty of TV competition due to playoffs in the NBA & NHL and series are running season finales around this time of year, so there are plenty of excuses that WWE could use to explain it. However, part of the reason that ratings are down is that WWE's presentation of Raw has become a bit boring. It's not like Raw is a bad show every week or that they are in any danger of really losing viewers over the long term. It's still one of the most watched cable TV programs in the US and most weeks it is at the top of those rankings. This week is going to be a big one for WWE thanks to a new TV deal that will be announced that will probably see an increase in TV rights fees too. Raw is still likely going to be a three hour show because they are being paid well for that third hour. They're already at the building with the cameras and the talent there, so there's no reason to expect that is going to change. A lot of fans probably want Raw to go back to two hours because a three hour show every week is just too long. That seems like an easy fix, but it's also an unrealistic one. Here are seven ways that WWE can fix Monday Night Raw to make it a must see show once again. It's not a talent issue. It's about being creative and changing some of the things that make the show so stagnant a lot of the time.