WWE: 7 Ways To Fix Raw Right Now

7. Cut Back On The Authority Figures

Does the name Brad Maddox ring a bell to you? He's the current General Manager of Raw even though he's barely seen on WWE TV these days. Due to the presence of Stephanie McMahon and Triple H (aka The Authority) he's somebody that has been shoved to the background so far that he's buried along with most of the midcard talent. What's the point of even having somebody in the GM role when he's never on the show? They likely fly Maddox to Raw along with the majority of the roster and it's hard to recall the times when he's even on camera on the show that he's supposed to be in charge of. When Kane was the Director of Operations for the early part of this year that meant that four people had the power to make matches on Raw: Triple H, Stephanie, Kane and Maddox. Now that Kane is gone it's down to three, yet Maddox is never out there. What WWE needs to realize is that the fans generally don't care about who is in charge. All we want to see are feuds. The Triple H/Bryan storyline worked because of the way Hunter tried to keep him from reaching the top, but it's not like Hunter has to book other matches too. It wouldn't hurt if they changed things up by appointing a GM that had more authority than Hunter and Steph, so that way it could make it seem like the person running the show is actually in charge of things.

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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.