WWE And TNA: 7 Worst Moments Of The Week (April 17)

We all may need to see a TV psychologist after this week.

By Andrew Soucek /


It was the best episode of Raw of the year, despite logic not working in favor of the writing. Why is Shane McMahon still in control again? Does Roman Reigns not care that Bray Wyatt threatened his daughter last year anymore? And why did A.J. Styles have to lose his Mania match if he€™s the number one contender? But no matter what, it must be said that there is no one in all of wrestling who sells that they€™re about to cry better than Sami Zayn.


Elsewhere in the wrestling world Roman continued to try and get his €œ...I€™m THE guy.€ catchphrase over, despite it being more awkward than his Superman punch. TNA decided it was in their best interest to move their headquarters to a warehouse, which means they're one step away from operating out of the back of a deli.

Lastly, Damn you WWE! You read my diary, and finally delivered a Goldust/Fandango (Goldango) tag team and then took it from me right away! Luckily I can still dream about a Braun Strowman and Ryback team for now: StrowBack.


But let€™s not waste anymore time. Let€™s shatter some dreams as we go through WWE and TNA€™s worst of the week!