WWE And TNA: 7 Worst Moments Of The Week (Dec 27)

We're not mad, we're just very, very disappointed.

By Andrew Soucek /

It€™s Christmas time in McMahon land. Were we on his nice list this year? It doesn€™t feel that way, because we were gifted with The Slammy Awards, which is pretty much the worst thing you can give someone. Would you give a Slammy to your grandma? No, you wouldn€™t, because you care about her. With hundreds of thousands of fans leaving WWE's product this year, why is Vince taking it out on the ones who have stuck around? Elsewhere in the wrestling world, TNA moved on from their old flame Destination America, who dumped them, and has now started a courtship with a new network, which will also most likely end in rejection, shame and a bit of crying. In the €œDoing the best to please your boss€ moment of the week, HHH vs. Sting was nominated for a Slammy Award for match of the year. Hope somebody got a nice Christmas bonus for that lie. Well, all that excitement from Roman€™s win is already gone. It's amazing what one painful three hour sham award show can do for momentum. But let€™s not waste anymore time though. Let€™s celebrate the holiday season as we Helluva Kick our way through WWE and TNA€™s worst of the week!