WWE And TNA: 7 Worst Moments Of The Week (Oct 5)

What's in the briefcase?

By Andrew Soucek /

No Brock Lesnar, Daniel Bryan, or CM Punk on Raw this Monday in Chicago. But we did have a bunny wrestling. Was that a fair trade-off? Most would say no. Ever since SummerSlam, WWE has been in the mother of all creative ruts. Having to sit through three Randy Orton vs. John Cena encounters within two weeks isn't something I'd wish on my worst enemy's dog's butt. Well, McMahon seems content with either giving us stuff we€™ve seen a million times, or giving us stuff that only he enjoys. It€™s hard to tell which one is worse. This week we also said hello to Funaki again (always nice to see him but hopefully Itami can avoid the same horrible casting that Funaki suffered along with Ultimo Dragon, Tajiri and Kenzo Suzuki), WWE apologized to the country of Russia (and then proceeded to air the incident they were sorry for a bunch of times to hype a feud) and Ambrose went straight up Nickelodeon on Seth Rollins by blasting him in the face with green slime. It was like Steve Austin and the beer truck, but much less cool. Every man has his price for the Million Dollar Man, and every wrestling promotion has its own price to pay for the Worst of the Week.