WWE Backlash 2020: 10 Things That Must Happen

"Greatest Wrestling Match"...never?

By Jamie Kennedy /


WrestleMania had cinematic uniqueness, MITB had comedy and Backlash has...uh oh.


This is perhaps the first straight-up pay-per-view WWE has done since Elimination Chamber, and the signs are looking rather ominous. Backlash is either gonna' be a pleasant surprise or a letdown that ends up shaming WWE for choosing to present Edge vs. Randy Orton as "The Greatest Wrestling Match Ever" before it has even happened.

The company has left some crumbs of comfort in the build towards Sunday however. They've hinted that this whole "Greatest Match Ever" thing is a noose around Edge's neck rather than a motivational tool, and they've also suggested that Orton doesn't quite see things the same way - Mr. RKO just wants to inflict more pain and misery on his old pal.


Keep in mind what's coming next too. Extreme Rules is just over a full month away on 19 July, and that's the last major stop before SummerSlam. It's logical then to assume that WWE will treat Backlash like the tepid show it is and look to blow off some programs next month instead of this weekend.

Here's everything they must do to make sure Backlash is still a fun watch...
