WWE Royal Rumble 2016: 10 WWE Superstars Who Could Win

Could Dean Ambrose take that one step closer to madness?

By Marcus K. Dowling /

It's definitely not too early to think about potential winners of Royal Rumble 2016. If WWE wants to pull itself out of its current doldrums, they'd be wise to consider doing this, too. If WWE really wants to make a statement to their fanbase about their intended direction for the product, then the person getting their arm raised in Orlando on January 24 in Orlando is important. But who exactly will that person be, and intriguingly moreover, why? The winner of the Rumble main events WrestleMania, which is the centerpiece of the WWE calendar. There's a current thought in WWE that Seth Rollins may end up being WWE Champion for 500 days, which sees Rollins dropping the strap sometime around early October of next year. Thus, Rollins is winning at WrestleMania, but may need a quality opponent with whom he can have the epic main event match that the company may believe can elevate him. In all honesty there's probably less than ten people on the active roster who have a fighting chance of winning, but the other three choices wouldn't actually be too shocking. The Rumble is HUGE this coming year, and thus, it's worth spending a little time (and a list) in deeply considering.
