WWE: Scott Hall's 10 Greatest Career Moments

By Erik Beaston /

In 1992, a brash new bad guy entered World Wrestling Entertainment and wasted little time making an impact. Known as Razor Ramon, he would align himself with Ric Flair in the Nature Boy's rivalry with "Macho Man" Randy Savage. His matches with Savage, Bret Hart, Mr. Perfect and the 123 Kid established him as a fine in-ring performer and his character (and the conviction with which he was portrayed) set him apart from the other more goofy gimmicks of the time. The machismo that he exuded led to Ramon becoming a fan favorite and one of the marquee stars in Vince McMahon's promotion. A leader of the New Generation initiative, Ramon battled Shawn Michaels in classic contests including WrestleMania X's epic ladder match. One of the most popular stars of the era, Ramon caught the eye of opposing promoters, leading to an impressive contract offer from World Championship Wrestling in 1996. Having accomplished a great deal in McMahon's company and realizing that he had, in all likelihood, accomplished everything he was going to there, he jumped at the opportunity to work less dates and make more guaranteed money. He would make his debut in WCW on the Memorial Day 1996 episode of Monday Nitro. Under his real name Scott Hall, he was an integral member of the New World Order faction that fueled an 83-week winning streak in the historical Monday Night Wars between WWE and WCW. With Kevin Nash, he captured the tag team titles and on his own, won the United States and Television Championships. Unfortunately, it was during his time in the Bischoff-run company that Hall's personal demons began rearing their ugly heads on live television. Somewhere along the line, the stories surrounding said demons became as big apart of Hall's legacy as any of his contributions between the ropes. He became the butt of jokes and the subject of depressing documentaries. Thanks to friend and fellow WCW star Diamond Dallas Page, however, Hall has undergone a wellness plan that has seen him live a healthier lifestyle and get himself cleaned up. On April 5, his redemption will be complete as he takes his place among the greatest Superstars in WWE history during the company's Hall of Fame ceremony in New Orleans. In celebration of his much-deserved honor, here is a look back at the championship victories, superb matches and unforgettable moments that have helped one of wrestling's smartest performers make history and earn immortality.