WWE WrestleMania Backlash 2021: 40 Things You Probably Missed

Legendary zombies; Roman Reigns teases Daniel Bryan's WWE return; Brodie Lee gets a mention.

By Jamie Kennedy /


Alexa, play 'Fire' by Arthur Brown.


WWE have shunted Hell In A Cell forward a few months from October to June this year, which means fans are about to hear all sorts of 'summer scorcher' lines from the announcers. It also look like Seth Rollins and Cesaro will be locked inside the cage come 20 June - Rollins attacked his old foe at the end of Sunday's WrestleMania Backlash show.

You wouldn't have missed that had you been watching, but you might've missed a whopping 40 other hidden gems that were on the pay-per-view. WWE used the supershow as a vehicle to promote an old star's new movie, and they even dressed up an 'Attitude' Era favourite for the occasion.


This article has bruising bumps, blood, other painful moments and a bucket load of banter about everything from Daniel Bryan and indy wrestling to childish gestures and heartfelt congratulations. Zombie naff-ness aside, it was a top, top night, but you might not have caught everything that happened.

There were movie references (more than one), sneaky half-mentions for sadly-deceased ex-WWE and AEW names, and Corey Graves even found time to rip ECW...
