20 Worst Ever Comic Book Sidekicks

The bad, the ridiculous and Batman's dog. Yeah, you read that right.

By David Opie /

Holy waste of space Batman! Ever since Robin the Boy Wonder first arrived on the scene over 70 years, superheroes everywhere have enlisted the help of inferior teenage versions of themselves in the never ending war against crime. Let's think this through for a moment though. What's actually the point of having a sidekick? Sure, it must be nice to have someone on hand to fetch the Dunkin' Donuts during a stake-out, but ultimately, the vast majority of heroes would be a lot better off without their wimpy sidekick trailing behind, getting into all sorts of trouble. Aside from being the perfect human shield, these annoying wannabes are about as useful as a cape in a fist fight and oh god, don't get me started on the animals. Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers? What the hell was Marvel on that day? Even the world's most popular heroes have had lame sidekicks at one point or another, but like a relaunch of the New Warriors comic, it rarely lasts long. Unfortunately for dedicated comic book fans, it appears that the better the hero is, the worse the sidekick, so with that in mind, prepare to cringe as you discover 20 of the worst ever comic book sidekicks. Do you have a favorite worst sidekick or have I left anyone particularly horrendous out? Let me know in the comments section below.