10 Fool-Proof Ways To Save The Terminator Franchise

They need our clothes, our boots, and our franchise-fixing advice.

By Rob Leane /

€œI€™ll be back€ has been the iconic catchphrase of The Terminator films. However, after the middling-to-hostile critical response to Terminator Genisys and some hardly world-beating box office takings, whether or not the franchise itself will be back anytime soon remains something of a mystery. The film€™s problems are manifold, and they all begin with questionable deviations from the sacrosanct Terminator canon. Arnie€™s indestructible Terminator was reduced to a laughing stock, while Jason Clarke€™s new iteration of John Connor was turned from legendary sci-fi hero to generic forgettable villain. Similarly, Jai Courtney€™s Kyle Reese lacked the unique charisma of Michael Biehn€™s version. And perhaps worst of all, Emilia Clarke€™s Sarah Connor had her backstory irredeemably fiddled with, depriving the character of her fan-pleasing arc from in the original films. The film ended with Skynet€™s bid for global destruction being thwarted at the last minute, and the core cast driving off into the sunset (with only a post-credits sting to tell us that Matt Smith and Skynet had survived). Although the future isn€™t set, it became imminently clear that a future where Genisys gets a brilliant sequel can be classified as somewhat unlikely. However, all is not lost; there are still some ways in which the franchise can be saved...