10 Legendary Musicians Who Deserve Their Own Biopics (And Who Could Play Them)

C'mon! We really want to see famous actors doing impressions of these people.

By Mark White /

Biopicbowie From the formation of The Beatles to the story of Johnny Cash, the real-life stories behind our favourite musicians are often stranger than fiction: it's no wonder so many of them are turned into movies. We feel passionately about who should play the artists on our iPods, though. The casting of Sasha Baron Cohen as Freddie Mercury was met with a full-page article in the NME, from one Queen fan who didn't want his hero cheapened and turned into a camp, comedic stereotype. Sure enough, the recast Ben Whishaw proved to be a much more popular choice. We let musicians who wow us into our hearts, of course, so the the actors who play them have to be a meticulous fit - we feel like we know these people already, after all. Just who is capable of playing pop's finest in Hollywood blockbusters, then? Who has not just the resemblance, but the characteristics of the singers who have shaped musical history? Here are 10 acts who changed music with their incredible story, alongside the perfect actors who could play them should a biopic ever come around...