10 More Actors Who Will No Longer Work Together

Don't expect to see this lot sharing the screen in a movie or TV show any time soon.

By Gareth Morgan /

Before taking a close look at even more stars of the big and small screen who currently have absolutely no desire to work with certain actors again, it's important to note that time does have a habit of being able to heal even the most severe of wounds.


Just look at former Fast foes Vin Diesel and Dwayne Johnson.

Those two man mountains at one point looked destined to never grunt their way through another petrol-powered flick together after a very public falling out, with Johnson in particular saying he was done with the franchise. But the pair were ultimately able to settle their differences last year, with The Rock making his Fast U-turn official with an end credits' scene in the tenth outing in 2023.

So, despite the fact just about every one of the following names would likely tell you today that there is absolutely zero chance they will be showing up in a movie or TV project alongside one specific one-time colleague again, you really can never say never in the bizarre business of show.

Right now, though, from stars who simply don't want anything to do with a former co-star after a bad previous experience, to husband and wife duos that would prefer to keep their relationship strictly personal, don't expect to see these various thespians working with each other again for the foreseeable.

10. Rachel Weisz And Daniel Craig

Couples showing up on-screen together isn't anything new in the land of film and TV.


The happily married Emily Blunt and John Krasinski both popped up in A Quiet Place, Kirsten Dunst and Jesse Plemons finally tied the knot after starring in The Power of the Dog recently; the list goes on.

However, though they have once appeared in a flick together back in 2011, one of Hollywood's most famous power couples, Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig, definitely won't be showing up in another film together any time soon.

That's according to the former, who explained to Today earlier this year that the two just love their private life together as a family unit, with their work lives being kept very much separate and away from home.

This also means that the two, who starred in Dream House and a 2013 theatre production of Betrayal, can alternate when it comes to staying at home and looking after the kids.

Simply put, both working on the same project is now seen as "less ideal" by the James Bond and The Mummy actors.

So, at least while the two are still looking after their family clan at home, the chances of these two acting sensations starring in another project together appear to be non-existent.
