10 More Best 'I'm Dead and I Know It' Moments In Apocalypse Horror Movies

These characters knew their number was up.

By Jack Pooley /

Death is of course a certainty in horror movies, and especially in apocalyptic horrors where the central cast finds themselves facing off against airborne viruses, undead hordes, giant monsters, and maybe even Satan itself.


But it's always fascinating to watch characters who realise they're seconds away from death, getting a precious moment or two to soak in the fact that they're about to shuffle off their mortal coil and become an ex-person. It's in these moments that people show you who they really are.

The thoughts going through their head, and what they do with their final seconds on Earth may end up defining their entire character - and that it certainly did in these movies.

And so, as a sequel to our previous article on the very subject, here are 10 more of the best "I'm dead and I know it" moments from apocalyptic horror flicks. 

These 10 characters all knew they were positively cooked, but in the very least used their last gasps of air to do something memorable or heroic. 

Perhaps they laid down their life for the greater good, or just accepted their fate with a rare, respectable solemnity. Whatever happened, it sure was memorable...

10. Russell Clank - The Crazies

Near the end of the 2010 remake of George A. Romero's The Crazies, Sheriff David Dutton's (Timothy Olyphant) deputy Russell Clank (Joe Anderson) realises he's become infected with the biological agent which is already beginning to transform him into a violent killer.


Well aware that his living moments are numbered and not wanting to endanger David or his pregnant wife Judy (Radha Mitchell), Russell then makes the decision to sacrifice himself for the greater good.

When the group reaches a roadblock, Russell willingly walks out into it and quickly gains the attention of the government's armed soldiers patrolling the area.

As Russell continues to approach them and ignore their instructions to stay put, they gun him down, creating enough of a diversion that David and Judy can cross the blockade undetected.

And better yet, before the soldiers deliver a final gunshot to finish him off, Russell gets to tell them what he really thinks of their causing the outbreak in the first place - "F**k you for what you did."
