10 More Movie Answers Given YEARS Later

So that's how Han Solo made the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs!

By Scott Banner /

Have you ever sat through a movie, and whether having enjoyed it or not, found yourself unable to shake the feeling that there was something missing? That there was one question, big or small, that was left unanswered? Have you ever then also thought about that question for years?


If the answer to the above questions is yes, then you are not alone. If you look hard enough, chances are you can find holes or imperfections in any story, leaving you with a question that simply doesn't have an answer.

That question is often forgotten about almost instantly. It's not important, or there was something else that stole your attention. However, every now and then there is something that sticks, something that is crying out for closure that just doesn't come. Not until years later at least.

With sequels, prequels, and spin-offs releasing all the time, social media, and interviews with directors, writers, and actors aplenty, new details about movies are always coming out that answer years-old questions. We've already explored some of these questions previously, but there's certainly more that were left open sometimes for more than a decade or two.

10. What Happened To The Fish In The Bags? - Finding Nemo

One of the very best Pixar movies is Finding Nemo, a story that made audiences care about just about every character that appeared on screen.


Aside from the obvious feelings towards Marlin (Albert Brooks), Dory (Ellen DeGeneres), and Nemo (Alexander Gould) himself, viewers also connected with the fish the latter found while placed in a fish tank in Sydney. Not only did they help Nemo escape and get back to the ocean, they were finally able to break free of their tank themselves.

Finding Nemo ended with the seven fish bobbing about on the ocean, stuck in their plastic bags, unsure of what to do next. No one knew the fate of Gil (Willem Dafoe) and co. until it was revealed 13 years later.

Finding Dory had a post-credit scene that amazingly showed these fish arriving at the Marine Life Institute in California, still concealed within their bags. Their outlook seemed bleak at the end of Finding Nemo, but fans were rewarded with a hilarious and unexpected answer at the very end of the sequel.
