10 More Movie Answers Given YEARS Later

9. Who Was The Gimp? - Pulp Fiction

Die Hard Hans Gruber Mystery

As a writer, a director, and an all-around storyteller, Quentin Tarantino is as meticulous as they come. There are tiny details hidden throughout his entire back catalogue, some so well hidden that they didn't even make it to the final cut.

Each and every character is crafted with care and attention, even the ones that don't seem to begin with. Take for example the Gimp (Stephen Hibbert) in Pulp Fiction, the man dressed in a leather suit who is told by Maynard (Duane Whitaker) to stop Bruce Willis' Butch from escaping his captivity.

Virtually no information was given about the character during the movie itself, but you just knew there had to be a backstory there. This was something that Tarantino finally explored during an interview with Empire in 2020, just 26 years later.

The Gimp was a hitchhiker that Maynard had picked up seven years prior to the events of the movie, who he and his brother essentially trained to be the perfect victim/henchman. When asked about what happened to the character after Butch ultimately escaped, the director confirmed that in his mind he hung himself. Surely one of the bleakest characters Tarantino has ever written.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.