10 Most Underrated Moments In The MCU

Who knew Iron Man 2 had so many cool moments?

By Padraig Cotter /

What's your favourite moment from the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Is it the Hulk punching Thor in The Avengers? The elevator fight from The Winter Soldier? Star Lord’s dance in the opening of Guardians Of The Galaxy? If you wanted to start a flame war, you could even cite The Mandarin twist from Iron Man 3.


Those are the big scenes everybody remembers, but there are tons of smaller character moments that - while they may not get the recognition - are just as important to making the movies click for an audience. It could be something simple like Tony Stark eating a burger during a press conference or Black Widow talking about her traumatic past to Bruce Banner, but these little sequences are what get to the heart of why fans love these characters in the first place.

Even in the weaker instalments of this mega-franchise there are still great scenes that go unsung, and here are some of the best, most underrated of the lot.

10. Hawkeye's Badass Avenger Speech - Avengers: Age Of Ultron

The only real issue with Age Of Ultron is that it had too much; too many characters, too much plot and too many setpieces. It was a meal that left you feeling bloated afterwards, and it ultimately suffered from a lack of focus.


That said it contained some great scenes and character moments, with Hawkeye in particular receiving a real boost after his zombie trance in the original. His motivating speech to Scarlet Witch during the final battle, where he manages to snap her out of her self-pitying panic and get her to kick !*$% is the defining moment for his character; it was also the moment it officially became OK for kids to play as Hawkeye in the schoolyard.

He also gets to utter maybe the most self aware Joss Whedon line ever with “OK, look, the city is flying, we're fighting an army of robots, and I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense.”
