10 Reasons Why The Dark Knight Rises Will Be The Best Film of 2012

So here…we…go… A film series finale built up to be synonymous with the end of worthwhile existence as we know it.

By Luke Stevenson /

So here€we€go€ A film series finale built up to be synonymous with the end of worthwhile existence as we know it (a quick tour of any Batman themed online conversation will have you believe that once we watch this, the state of how largely our minds will be blown will leave us unable for any cognitive thought let alone cleaning up the mess we will make in our pants the first time Bane punches someone). This film follows the lead of The Avengers. Prometheus (which I also said could be the best film of 2012 and then went on to say it was the best sci-fi film in years) and The Amazing Spider-Man which will feature a delightfully indie soundtrack and Andrew Garfield wearing spandex€So it€™s got something to compete with. So, not to add any more hype to the proverbial melting pot of bubbling anticipation and fanboyism currently being surfed by Warner Bros and Christopher Nolan€™s ego, I present to you 10 reasons why The Dark Knight Rises will be the best film of 2012.

1. Christian Bale€™s Final Turn as Batman

Christian Bale is a divisive figure, be it his gravelly Batman voice or his tendency to verbally abuse film crew, he can annoy people. However if you remove his gravelly sounding, needlessly homicidal tendencies then it is easy to accept that he has rocked as Batman. He€™s helped make a character that transcends the suit and is an individual in himself, where Michael Keaton as Batman was overshadowed by the supporting cast and his inability to carve a character out of the Cape and Leather. The fact he€™s probably the most individual, recognisable Batman beyond Adam West€™s ultra-camp farce, raises hope for his turn in this, his last outing in a Batman movie (it remains to be seen whether he will appear in a Justice League film). With ideas of death, coming to terms with one€™s mortality and seeing the destruction of everything you€™ve built apparently rife within this Batman instalment, it€™s going to be material ripe for Christian Bale, a very talented actor, to grab and leave a lasting impression on this incarnation of Batman.