10 Reasons Prometheus Will Be The Best Film of 2012
Sit back; hold on tight, and try to not let anything explode out of your stomach until the very end.
You could say "Prometheus" has named itself rather ambitiously. Appropriating the name of a man attributed with bringing fire and brightness to the world and then being punished for it; its either making itself out to be the summer martyr, the best thing on display and given to us, yet it is punished by films like "Step Up 4" at the box office; forever living in shame, infamy and forcing Ridley Scott to retreat to a different planet to avoid the embarrassment. Dont worry Ridley, no-one else will understand why either. Or, its a signal of intent, its promising to bring something fresh, new, explosive, flickering and big to our screens; and so far it hasnt disappointed. The trailers have done everything from raise the hairs on the back of our necks, to make us hold on to our faces to make sure its melted remains dont ooze in to our laps and make our trousers have that awkward strained feeling we got in Year 10 when we saw the only eligible teacher under 30 reach for an extra dictionary...Ahem. Yet the possibility of seeing a teachers thigh isnt the only thing to be excited about when you rejoice in the promise of this summer blockbuster, and after already pitching to you 10 reasons The Amazing Spider-Man could blow our minds this year, I offer you 10 of the many reasons to be excited about "Prometheus". Sit back; hold on tight, and try to not let anything explode out of your stomach until the very end.