14 Awesome Performances In Otherwise Awful 2015 Movies

He said he'd be back.

By Jack Pooley /

As entertaining a year in cinema as 2015 has been, not everything has hit its marks and enjoyed runaway success. Sometimes a movie will stink to high heaven and yet, there will be one element, be it a particular scene or performance, which prevents it from being an outright disaster, no matter how awful the remainder might be. A strong performance can make or break a film, and though they didn't exactly help these films overcome their nagging issues, each film would surely be much worse off without these surprisingly strong performances in movies that absolutely didn't deserve them. From acting legends reprising iconic roles to actors who clearly can't say no to a paycheck, each of these esteemed performers provided some much-needed relief amid the cinematic detritus that was the rest of the movie. They won't get much praise for their work in these films, so before the Oscars handed out, let's appreciate the performances that gave it their all even when the production was a total s***show. Here are 14 awesome performances from otherwise awful 2015 movies...