5 Genres That Are Dying Out (And 5 That Are Making A Comeback)

R Rated comic book movies in, fantasy epics (thankfully) out.

By Padraig Cotter /

Genres have always come and gone in popularity. The Horror genre has €œdied€ and come back so many times now it€™s almost a slasher villain itself, and there was a time €“ hard as it is to imagine now €“ comic book movies were pretty hard to come by; good ones, anyway. It€™s rare for a genre to die out completely, and all it takes is one great movie to kick them back to life after a long dry spell. The Historical Epic was resting comfortably in a retirement home until Gladiator dusted it off and set off a new wave, and the parody movie was rescued by Scary Movie, only to be brutally murdered by the likes of Date Movie. The modern-day is no different, where some genres are fairly robust while others are shunned, like the angry drunk guest at a party. That said, some of them are showing signs of rust at the box-office while a few of the more neglected genres are suddenly showing signs of life again. It€™s the beautiful cycle of life really, where Hollywood will milk a formula dry and then leave it to die in the gutter, only to welcome it back with open arms when it sees dollar signs flashing over it. So which genres are currently in the ascendency and which are currently breathing their last?