7 Ways That X-Men: Apocalypse Could End

Let the bodies hit the floor.

By Dan Woburn /

As it stands, the ending to X-Men: Apocalypse is completely up in the air. Unlike with the MCU films, which we all know are building to Infinity War, and Batman V Superman, which is making a direct beeline to Justice League, no one knows what the future of the flagship X-movies holds. With no clear goal in mind, Bryan Singer and fellow franchise captain Simon Kinberg can take the characters and storylines wherever they wish. The pieces could fall in any number of combinations, taking into account how many characters are featured in Apocalypse. As fans, we don't know with confidence which actors would be up for sticking around and which wouldn't, although there are some healthy predictions to be made. These potential contract renegotiations would have a knock-on effect on the characters at the end of this latest film - and with the stakes being higher than ever before thanks to the arrival of En Sabah Nur (Oscar Isaac), you better believe there'll be serious blood shed and major alliances shifted before the film is over. So how will the board look once X-Men: Apocalypse wraps up?