8 Movie Plot Details That Are Insanely Easy To Miss

Christopher Nolan is a sneaky man.

By Padraig Cotter /

Warner Bros.

Part of the fun of rewatching a film is noticing the little details you didn’t pick up on the first time. Movies like Seven or The Sixth Sense are loaded with meaningful clues audiences will likely miss on their first viewing, which allows them to go back and admire just how well constructed they are.


Some clues are so well hidden it’s possible even hardcore fans won’t catch them, and it can take years before anybody picks up on them. For instance, the Internet lost its collective mind over the reveal that Kevin’s father accidentally threw his plane ticket away in Home Alone, and the film was twenty years old by that point.

Lots of other filmmakers like to bury clues in plain sight, where only the super observant – or obsessed – fans will track them down. These details can add extra layers to the movie in question, and they can make viewers feel extra smug for noticing them. And of course, they are the keys on watching a second time around that show off exactly how clever the director and writers were.

So which are the very sneakiest, and the very best?

8. It Follows - The Final Entity Is Jay's Father

It Follows is arguably the creepiest horror film of recent years, and it certainly has one of the most unique premises. The creature that stalks the main character Jay can take the shape of any person it wants, and it often takes the form of someone she knows just to mess with her.


During the finale, she and her friends lure it into a trap, and Jay seems extra upset by the form it takes; that of a nondescript dude with a beard. She refuses to tell her friends what she sees, and after a hard fight, the creature is apparently defeated.

The film never explicitly states who this figure was, but if the viewer examines Jay’s family photos they’ll see him there. He’s her father, who seemingly passed away years before. The photos were taken when Jay was young yet he looks exactly the same when the entity copies him, his absence is never explained and her mother is a lonely alcoholic.

This would certainly explain why she was so upset, and confirms the creature is a real douche.
